Sunday, October 23, 2016

Hello All!

Hello to all!!!! Things at the CCM are still awesome. I hope to be able to start off all of my emails that way. This week was another awesome week of learning and feeling the spirit. Time is flying by so fast now. I feel like last P Day was just a few days ago. I am more than half way done with my time here at the CCM and i will be in the field in just over 2 weeks! That is crazy! The language is going really well. I can now pretty much teach all the missionary lessons, on a fairly basic level, in spanish. Which is really the main goal of the CCM. Now i need to focus my language a little more on just everyday conversation because i can tech someone about the restoration of the Gospel but i can't have a very in depth conversation with them. That is my goal for the next few weeks. Me and my Companion, Elder Blackham, had an awesome expereince. We were teaching a fake investigator and the lesson went really well. After the lesson we both just looked and eachother like "wow what just happened" We both felt the overwhelming feeling of the gift of tounges. Words were just flowing out of our mouths in spanish. I am finally geting to the point where i can think in spanish when im teaching and not just translate in my mind. It is one of the craziest feelings ever and i don't even know how to explain it. It motivates me so much to keep working hard and improving my langauge skills.

Let me tell you all a little bit about how we learn here. First thing in the morning we have Personal Study by ourselves. Then our teacher comes to our classroom and teaches us both about the langauge and the gospel. Then we have time where our morning teacher pretends to be an investigador and we all have a chance to teach here. We basically repeat the same thing in the afternoon but with a different teacher. I love the teachers i have so much but we are getting a different afternoon teacher because our old one got a promotion! That is good but im going to miss him a lot. Then at the end of the night we have time for personal language study and planning with our companions. It is a jam packed day but i learn a lot everyday. We have devotional's twice a week where we meet together with all the missionaries in the CCM. Those are good becuase we usually here from members of the quorum of the 70. This week we watched a live broadcast from provo where Elder Bednar spoke. It was awesome! My favorite part of the week is Sunday night. We call it movie night because we all go to the auditorium and get to watch church films for an hour. It is an awesome little break time we get at the end of the week.
The weather was amazing this week. It didn't rain once and it never really gets above 75 degrees. It gets to a pretty cool temperature at night which i like becuase it gives me an oppurtunity to wear my "winter" gear because everyone says i never will in Torreon.

So i got my first haircut here at the CCM and it was a very intersting experience... The lady that cuts your hair speaks no english and i speak very little spanish. So you can imagine where this went bad. If any of you don't know i have scars on my head from when i had surgery as a baby. They look like lighting boolts that go all the way across my head. You usually don't see them because my long hair covers them. Well i tried to tell her that i have scars so my hair can't be short on the side. She clearly didn't understand me and basically buzzed my hair on the sides. Don't worry, i have pictures... People all week thought that the scars were a design in my hair and so i had to tell like 500 diferent people they were scars. Fun stuff... but the hair is growing back in and i almost look normal now!

Things are flying by here at the CCM. Everytime i blink it is another week gone by. I love it though. I am learning so much and getting so excited to be in the field. I am sad to have to leave my companion in a couple of weeks though. Me and him have so much fun together. I am a litle worried that because i have such a great companion right now, i am going to have a pretty bad companion in the future. Oh well, i just will enjoy it while i have it.

I hope you are all doing awesome! I think about you all and how grateful i am for your support. Keep working hard in everything you guys do. And remember "nunca dejen de tratando!"

Love you all and goodbye until next Friday!!

Elder, Wright

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